Our school police officer, Detective Cornier visited 6-7A and 6-7B Business Law Classes at Glenbrook North. Not only was it interesting hearing about his career path and experience working on the S.W.A.T Team, it was also refreshing to hear a honest perspective from a police officer.
Det. Cornier shared with students case law on how search and seizure was established in the public school systems. One particular case, New Jersey v. T.L.O was discussed. Since we have been discussing case law and how to write law briefs, this lesson from Det. Cornier was very fitting to the curriculum in our classroom. From the New Jersey v. T.L.O case, Det. Cornier said that 4 rules developed as a result of this case:
1) Schools may investigate & search based on reasonable suspicion
2) No school official needs a search warrant
3) Miranda rights are not needed in the school setting
4) Schools has the right to do what's necessary to make the school a safe environment.
After the discussion on search & seizure, students asked questions pertaining to juveniles and the law. Topics that were discussed included curfew, driving, and underage drinking. These topics were extremely relevent to concerns of students. I'm glad they were able to ask Det. Cornier to hear an honest answer from a respected authority.
Thank you to Det. Cornier, who took time out of his schedule to talk with my students.