In Alaska tax on alchohol was raised resulting in a decrease of deaths. During a 28 years of study, researched showed the death rate decrease with each increase in alchol tax. Raising the tax in 1983 the death rate decreased by 29%. When the tax was raised again in 2002 the rate decreased by 11%. Researchers inferred that that the death rate decreases with the increase of alchol tax.
The study done in Finland show that when the alchol tax was decrease, there was in increase in disorderly conduct as well as al chol consumption.
Alchol businesses and opponents think the increase in alchol tax will hurt the economy. Tax can hurt the econmy because less alchol will be bought thus resulting in less government taxes. supporters believe an increase in tax will result in a decrease in deaths.
In my opinion, it is a good idea. because livers are being saved and alchol assumption is lowered. I think Alchol tax in Illinois should be raised. This is a good idea because, there will be less teen acident driving. However, I don't think it is a good time to raise the tax because the econmy is bad now. Raising tax might hurt the already bad evonmy. There should be raised after econmy is steady.
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