Walmart takes brain damaged woman's money

Debbie Shank's life changed when she got into a car accident. When a semi-truck smashed into the side of Debbie's mini van she was changed forever. Although she can remember things before the accident, she no longer has any short term memory. Before the accident Debbie was one of Walmart's employees, stocking shelves. While she was working there she signed up for the health and benefits plan so her and her family were covered. The trucking company gave her over $400,000 to cover medical bills. Suddenly that would be taken all away, what Debbie didn't real in the plan was that if any employee collected money from and injury walmart was entitled to that money. Because Walmart is taking that money, the Shanks are financially struggling to overcome this tragedy. Debbie's husband Jim even had to devorice Debbie last year so that she would get more money from medicaid. When walmart took the Shanks to court they won. Now, Jim Shank is trying to take this to the supreme court.I think that considering walmart made billions of dollars lat year, they could let the shanks keep money. They obviously need this money much more then the huge company. I understand that walmart are fully in their rights to this money, but they could have made special circumstances. This blog shows a video of this story by CNN. $400,000 could help the Shanks a lot more than the billions that walmart raked in every year.
It is unbelievable that Wal Mart who made 90 billion dollars took money from a family that is in desperate need for it. Even Wal Mart officals said this was an extraordinary case that will likely never happen again. I believe Wal Mart should give them the money back out of principle. This is a family that has had a lot of unfourtiante events and could really use the money.
Debbie deserved her monetary entitlement. If she received a legitimate, paper contract with Walmart that guaranteed health insurance, I don't know how Walmart managed to wiggle their way out of giving money. It's a tragedy when promises aren't kept, especially to those who need help the most. This instance reflects how inhumane people can become when they just want money. This is just sad.
It's a shame that corporations like Walmart think that such a small amount of money will make a difference compared to all the money they already have. I agree with Debbie, I think the family deserved their monetary entitlement.
Having a company that makes billions of dollars every year and not give up this amount of money is ridiculous. Paying this amount is nothing to what the companies income is. You would think that someone in the company would wake up and realize that this is wrong.
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