Imagine being rejected from a job you have been waiting for your whole life because of a mistake you made in high school. This is a tactic that employers are starting to use on a regular basis.
Facebook is a commonly used social network that has everything fro

m sexual orientation to political views of the user. The profiles also include pictures that date back to when the account was created, this means that everyone can see the events you were attending and who you were with. Anyone who views your profile will have their opinion on what they see, these people could be your future employers. Is it right to be judged by your social profile? Some states do have laws stating that you are not allowed to keep a job away from someone because of their political views, sexual orientation or religious beliefs. There is also a side to the story saying that the employers need to refrain from doing this because the inform
ation that is being evaluated may be altered or could come off having a different meaning than what was intended. A survey of 350 employers was conducted in the city of New York. The conductors of the survey found that 44 percent of the party viewed the profiles of possible job candidates, 35 percent have looked at profiles of current employees. If there are pictures of this person on the
internet with a cigarette in his/her hand can the employer assume that the person is a smoker? Also, is it right to discriminate people by what they do on their own time? Absolutely not. What people do on their own time and what they have done in the past on their time is none of the employers business. The concept that the
internet is public property is an understandable argument but you cannot judge someone by pictures on a website, it is morally wrong. I feel that job discrimination using
Facebook and other social networks is wrong but if you want to protect yourself, keep the pictures you wouldn't want your grandmother to see off of the
Youtube Video:
Facebook & Employers-
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