Stem cells are immature cells found in embryos that can develop into any kind of specialized cells, meaning even any cell of the human body.
There are many benefits of Embryonic Stem Cell Research. By observing these cells, scientists can get to know the development of the embryo very well. With this knowledge it is possible that in example birth defects can be prevented in future. Even cures for so far incurable diseases like the Parkinson´s Syndrome, may be developed and can save many lifes.
Scientists would be able to grow cells from the embryo´s stem cells, which could repair spinal cord damage. Considered is also growing nerve cells to cure Alzheimer’s and other common diseases. Scientists even believe that they will be able to clone with the help of stem cells and plant organs which can be transplanted into a human body.
In March 2009 Barack Obama signed an executive order which funds embryonic stem cell research through taxes. Many people do not agree with his decision because it is not guaranteed that scientist will be successful, but the citizen´s money will be used. Instead this kind of research should be funded by charities or other organizations. However, the opposition argues that otherwise there would not be enough money for the research from which future generations will highly benefit.
Yet, funding is not the biggest issue about the research of embryonic stem cells. It is more the apparently never ending argument about killing human life, similar to abortion. Pro-life advocates consider embryos human beings, therefore they do not approve of this research.
It is much discussed if an embryo is supposed to be considered a human being or not. Questions like: "Do embryos have a conscience?" are raised most commonly.
Prosencephalon- Forebrain
Mesencephalon- Midbrain
Rhombencephalon- Hindbrain
Research proofs that an embryo is a developing human being. The fact that its consciousness is only vague does not change that fact. The images above show four months old embryos. The brain parts are obvious and that proofs that an embryo is a human being, even if it is still developing.
The state law of Illinois permits research on embryonic stem cells, embryonic and adult stem cells from any source. However, a written consent from the female and male is necessary in cases other than an abortion. Illinois´state law prohibits the creation of embryos for the sole use of it for research. Furthermore it prohibits the sale of embryos for research.
Most embryos used for research are being frozen after a woman or couple is satisfied with their fertility treatment. In these cases more than one embryo is produced and when a woman´s treatment was successful, the spare ones are donated for research.
This controversial topic provides reasonable pro as well as con arguments. Apparently not even the President Barack Obama and his advisors were completely certain about a justly and justifiable solution concerning embryonic stem cell research. Two days after President Obama had signed the above mentioned law, he signed another law, which bans federal funding of any "research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death".
Fortunately, latest research proofs that similar procedures like they have been performed with stem cells from embryos, can be done with stem cells from adults or children. However, it is not as easy and probably not all kinds of organs are going to be able to be grown with these cells.
Scientists do everything they can to make a difference, invent something new or become famous with their ideas. These goals should not be viewed as anything negative, since that is what keeps scientists working and inventing all those great things like artificial insemination for couples whose dream it is to have children but do not have the ability or even cell phones, which Americans do not seem to be able to live without. The donated embryos would die anyways because in example in cases of fertility treatment, more than one embryo is produced. Therefore it is the best solution to donate the spare embryo and use it for research to improve our and our children´s future, because isn´t that what all this is about? Children! It should be a federal law though, that stem cell research is allowed on aborted and donated embryos. Nevertheless, I am of the opinion that embryos are human beings and have the right to live.
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