Rod Blagojevich, former governor of Illinois, is, in my opinion, one of the stupidest people on the planet. It really makes me mad when people are corrupt, especially if it’s something so essential in our everyday lives like government. Our tax dollars pay for their salaries, we elect them, and put all our trust in them to run our state, and then they betray us.
Since 2005, the FBI has been investigating him for corruption. He got impeached by the Illinois General Assembly in January of 2009 as a result of his corruption. He and his chief of staff John Harris were charged by federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald. Investigation continued, and he was found guilty in April of 2009. He was only found guilty of one charge out of his 24 charges, which he made false statements during his trial (lied to the government). Some of those charges were mail fraud, wire fraud, and soliciting bribes.
Not just that, but Blagojevich said the most shocking thing: “The government threw everything but the kitchen sink at me … I did not lie to the FBI. I told the truth from the very beginning.” How could he say such a thing? We know, with unreasonable doubt that he did lie, and he still says that he didn’t? The government had tapes of him talking about selling Obama’s seat in the senate, and tons of evidence besides that. When is he just going to give up and tell the truth? Lying is a sin, and everybody knows very well that he’s going to hell.
Then he said something so insane and racist toward Obama, that I just couldn’t stand reading it. He said: “I’m blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment. My father had a little laundromat in a black community not far from where we lived. I saw it all growing up.” He just insulted the president! Not just that, but made a racist statement. He then stated that: “It’s a stupid metaphor to say I’m blacker than Barack Obama, that I apologize for,” he said. “It’s not appropriate for me, a white person, to stand out somehow and claim to be a black person, that’s just wrong … I was expressing frustration that the policies of this new administration still haven’t really been focusing on the great deal of inequities we have in our society.” He just claimed that Obama wasn’t focusing on inequities we have in our society, yet he had just made a racist statement the day before. This is completely nuts. If I I had the power to put him in jail for the rest of his life, I’d do it in a split second.
Something else I found interesting was, after all this happened, he appeared on Celebrity Apprentice, a show created by Donald Trump where people compete to gain a spot to work with Trump. Obviously he lost, but why would Trump want an idiot like Blagojevich on his show.
Can you believe he's still staying with his lie. Don't you think it's a little bit sketchy that they "wouldn't let the public listen to the phone conversations," as Blagojevich stated. He's got an excuse for everything, a tremendous liar, but you're always caught at one point, and he lied one to many times. I also found it interesting that so many government officials from Illinois are so corrupt. In my opinion, we should investigate a lot more than we are at this time.
Blagojevich, in my opinion, was beyond corrupt. He is a great liar, but was caught in the act with so much evidence that his lies didn't work anymore. In the video, he was stating that all of the government officials were corrupt except for him, which is almost impossible to believe, considering the word would've gotten out because someone would have found out and told. Blagojevich did do what he's saying he didn't, but it's an opinion of mine. What do you think?
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