Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fight on Spartans! Crush the Cancer!

Baggo to Beat Cancer

The Spartan Stance: We Spartans are a proud people. We don't just stay strong in the Spartan spirit through our personal strengths and personal feats. We enjoy helping others. When we help others, especially those in our community, we are not only building upon our spirit, but also theirs. That is why for our Leadership Impact Project we have decided to help the strongest Spartans we can find. We have decided to help cancer patients over at the Glenbrook Hospital's Kellogg Cancer Center.

Our Goal: Brandon, Dylan and I (Adam) came up with the idea of finding out what these fighters, both young and old, need. We developed a plan together. We called up the Kellog Cancer Center (KCC) and spoke with the head nurse of the KCC, Ann Gannon. She was very kind and returned our call quickly. We gathered a rather short list of items, but a goal is a goal. We are aiming to raise $300 to buy 2 umbrellas with concrete bases for the garden at the KCC. The patients want to be outside, but the skin during their treatments is very delicate. This way, they can enjoy the outdoors a bit more, have a change of scenery from the hospital bed.

The Master Plan: $300 doesn't just magically appear. If it did, we wouldn't have ourselves such a project, now would we? We have a plan. We are going to host a Baggo Tournament. We intend to charge a fee of $2 per person. Then, we will have students register ahead of time. We have already spoken with Dr. Tarjan about our dates and have landed ourselves two A days and multiple time slots. We will be hosting the first day of the tournament on April 30, 2013. The second day, May 5, 2013 will be used as needed as either a rain date, or an extra day for games, dependent on how many games are completed on Day 1. Time slots for students to choose from are: 2/3, Lunch 1 and Lunch 3, and 8/9. The tournament will be held in the courtyard by the cafeteria. Students will be able to register the week of April 22. 

Spread the Word: We are making posters to advertise. Students can expect to see a Facebook Page and Event page. We will have the posters up as soon as we can. We are also preparing announcements to be approved and to be made in the mornings leading up to the event. Students should tell their friends and spread the word by the best way people can, by mouth.

The Final Phase:The final step in our master plan is to purchase the umbrellas and then go with the movers to bring them to the garden. We cannot wait to see the look on Ann's face when she gets the umbrellas, and we cannot wait to see the patients enjoy the outdoors again. We have set this goal for ourselves to pave the way for students, Spartans, and patients for generations to come. Stay Strong Spartans!!!

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