By: Julia, Suzanne, Maddy, Nicole, Jordan & Julian
We believe that our GBN community is different than most high schools. We are very lucky to grow up in this type of atmosphere, because not all places are like GBN. At the same time, we understand the importance of accepting others.
GBN is more diverse than most people realize.
Throughout our project, the question we kept
asking ourselves was what actually
makes a community?
Once we had devised our plan we started hanging up posters so that everyone knew what was going on. One of the days we put up post-it notes all around the school saying things that would boost people up and hopefully made someone feel accepted. We took charge of the Class Act Grams for two weeks and also added in Turkey drawings for what people were thankful for.
The final day of our project we wanted to show an acceptance video about the teachers that kids look up to in our school. Sadly this didn't work out. But in the end everyone knew what Class Act was and so many students were able to Join us in the Community.
So what will you do to Join the Community? We challenge you to comPASSitON!
- GBN Community- join in!
Challenge Statement: Raising awareness of acceptance. We want everyone to embrace who they are and others in our GBN community.
The Plan:
- Oct 25 All school workshop
- Oct 28-Nov 1st - Promote Community, Class Act & Class act grams
- Putting up the posters of Class Act -Maddy, Nicole, Jordan, Julian
- Social media ex: GBN compliments, GBN update, and make facebook status’.-All
- Big posters in the main entrances-Julia, Suzanne
- Nov 4 Post-It Notes
- Write about 350-400 Post-It notes (write notes like you are beautiful, keep it up, stop counting crayons, etc)
- Put them all around the school at 7:00 am (before school)
- Nov 4-8 Put up Posters
- Posters that market Class Act
- Marketing to Join in the Community
- Nov 13-15 Class Act Grams (During 6/7 outside cafeteria)
- A Days: Lunch 1- Nicole, Maddy, Julia Lunch 2- Suzanne, Julian Lunch 3- Nicole, Julian
- B Days: Lunch 1- Nicole, Maddy Lunch 2- Julia, Suzanne Lunch 3- Julia, Suzanne, Jordan
- At the end of lunch 3 everyday give the Class Act Grams that people wrote to Ms. Fluegge
- Nov 18-22 Class Act Grams and Turkey Drawings (During 6/7 outside cafeteria)
- A Days: Lunch 1- Nicole, Maddy, Julia Lunch 2- Suzanne, Julian Lunch 3- Nicole, Julian
- B Days: Lunch 1- Nicole, Maddy Lunch 2- Julia, Suzanne Lunch 3- Julia, Suzanne, Jordan
- At the end of lunch 3 everyday give the Class Act Grams that people wrote to Ms. Fluegge (Ms. Fluegge passes out the class act grams)
- Friday the 22nd- put up turkey drawings on the big windows
- Dec 1
- Present Video about teachers and their differences and how they embraced them.
Benefits of the Project:
- This is beneficial because it makes students and teachers aware that little things they do or say can make someone feel that much more accepted.
- It will bring students and teachers together and to have everyone embrace their differences.Definition of Success:
- Success is when we feel good about ourselves and good about others. Embrace the differences and make one another feel accepted.
Next Steps:- Fluegge- Get Class Act Grams and get her updated on everything with Class Act
- Meet with Mr. Finen about all school workshop and how to incorporate it into the project
- Marketing all the ideas
- Making all the posters
- Figuring out what to say on social media
- Tarjan- Overall
- Making a video- email teachers that we want in the video
- Planning out times when post it notes/class act grams/poster can be all done during the week
- Schedule table for turkey drawings and class act grams
Job Responsibilities:- Madison- create the video/ Put up post it notes/ Marketing/ create class act poster/ Interview teachers/ Meet with Fluegge/ Class Act Grams/ Turkey Drawings
- Julian- Put up post it notes/ Marketing/ promoting class act grams/ Meet with Finen/ Class Act Grams/ Turkey Drawings
- Nicole- email the teachers for the video/ Put up post it notes/ reserve table/ print out + create class act posters/ Class Act Grams/ Turkey drawings
- Julia- create the video/ Put up post it notes/ Turkey drawings/ Put up Join in the Community Posters/ Class Act Grams
- Suzanne- taking care of things with SAP/ Put up post it notes/ Marketing/ Turkey drawings/ Put up Join in the Community Posters/ Class Act Grams
- Jordan- Put up post it notes/ Marketing/ print out class act posters/promoting class act grams/ Meet with Finen/ Meet with Fluegge/ Class Act Grams
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