ACORN was once known as a wonderful orginization that helped in achieving affordable housing, better schools, fair housing, better tax fees, health care, immagratoin, and many other situations that many Americans are concerned about.However, their once good reputation has since been tarnished. Some people might have seen the viral video regarding ACORN giving tips to people posing as a pimp and prostitute on how to lie about the women's proffesion in order to get financial help, as well as telling them how to illegally get girls into the country to use as prostitutes. This clearly and severely damaged the reputation of ACORN but the bigger story now is that of embezzlement. Louisiana's Attorney General Buddy Caldwell recently said he has amped up his investigation over the embezzlement of $5 million a decade ago.
ACORN has admitted to that embezzlement did in fact occur, but says it was only $948,607. The dispute is exactly that, how much money was embezzled? The prosecuters filed a subpoena in which the $5 million figure was noted and it was seeking information regarding bookkeeping, accounting, and other financial management services to ACORN.

ACORN believes that Caldwell has based his figure on something ACORN Chief Executive Officer Bertha Lewis made.
ACORN says her remark was that the case could possibly cost them $5 million, meaning paying for lawyers, investigators and what not. Another concern of the people is that when Barack Obama was asked about this situation he just brushed it away and gave the impression it was an unimportant situation.

ACORN's new reputation along with the fact they have helped with the voting registration of countless underprivileged people, and the fact that Obama doesn't seem to care shouts out scandal to some people. However, with all thats going on in the world one couldn't expect the president to try to deal with a situation regarding $5 million dollars which seems to be the maximum. On the other hand, this situation as well as the previous violation from ACORN causes one to think that their money isn't being spent for a good cause.
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