There are many types of refrigerator out in the U.S appliance stores. As we see, everyrefrigerator looks the same. Due to technicians using similar systems to manufacture a refrigerator, every companies’ refrigerator looks similar.
On Oct. 7, LG filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Whirlpool in the U.S. District Court of New Jersey. As stated by a company spokes person, the lawsuit was a file claimed against LG's "ice-makingsystem in a fresh food compartment" patent.
On Oct. 7, LG filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Whirlpool in the U.S. District Court of New Jersey. As stated by a company spokes person, the lawsuit was a file claimed against LG's "ice-makingsystem in a fresh food compartment" patent.
Everyone knows that it's wrong to copy someone else's work and take credit for it. This blog clearly states that the whirlpool Corp’s copied LG electronics Inc.'s work. Therefore, I believe LG electronics Inc. has full rights to sue Whirlpool Corps. Due to Whirlpool Corp’s actions the company's credibility has significantly dropped and other companies do not want to negotiate with this company. As a result, they will eventually go bankrupt and won’t be able to manufacture any products.
I think LG Electronics has right to sue Whirlpool. Whirlpool copied LG Electornics' idea and sold items to customers. I think Whirlpool should pay LG Electronics for copying their item and the damage
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