Friday, December 19, 2014

Marketing Committee

Marketing Committee
Our group represented the marketing section of the leadership impact project to increase school spirit. It was our job to raise awareness and hype for our campaign, as well as to create advertisements and simply inform the school of the project.

Goal: Promote school spirit through marketing specific events. We focused on two main areas:  
  • Green and Gold Fridays
  • Sporting events and performances
To promote these, we created flyers, posters, announcements, and social media posts to generate awareness, and also created athletics schedules to raise awareness for the teams.

Pre Planning Strategy:

Screen Shot 2014-12-17 at 11.06.46 AM.png
Flyer/slogan for green and gold friday
Green & Gold Fridays
  • Created posters for green and gold wear
  • Announcements that remind people to dress up on the end of day Thursday
  • Announce what spirit day is next
  • Flyers promoting periodic Friday spirit wear
  • Flyers promoting pryma wear
  • Posters promoting pryma wear

Sporting events and Performances
  • Congratulate teams and performances for major accomplishments
  • Posters/window paint with sports schedules or upcoming performances
  • Posters in SAC, blocks, bathrooms, entrances
  • Schedules for events and school spirit days posted in sac and blocks
  • Congratulate different teams on annoucements (sporting event group)
  • Facebook posts promoting sporting events e.g. Varsity games, TLS Game, e.t.c

Day by Day:

11/18-  Brainstorm green and gold poster ideas posters for Green and Gold Fridays(potential slogans that can better attract students)

11/20- Make green and gold friday posters, begin sports posters. Accomplished: Organized chart by retrieving information on all upcoming winter sport events which will be placed on the posters in a future class

11/24- Continue sports posters, agreed that next class we will arrange for posters to be created with GBN sport schedules pasted on them most effective location. Work on January poster over break

12/1- Print sports schedules(December and January)/put them up around school, Work on green and gold posters, Create green & gold flyer

In conclusion, we completed the majority of our goals, although more work could’ve been done with announcements. The announcements were not cohesive, and although we drafted the message and talked with the announcers we weren’t able to get the sports messages broadcasted. Despite this, we raised sufficient awareness for this campaign with posters and flyers.

Spirit Day Committee

Spirit Day Committee

Being part of the spirit day committee, we all had many roles to fulfill for our leadership impact project. Our job as a group was to create and advertise new spirit days around the school. We wanted to incorporate the student voice in what they wanted to dress up as, so we placed posters around the school allowing the student body to vote on their favorite spirit day ideas. From there, we began to advertise and spread the word to increase school spirit at GBN.

Anticipated Outcomes/Goals

  • Get students to come together as a community and dress up to cultivate school spirit.
  • Increase spirited Students+Staff, more participation to assemblies
    • School spirit will carry over throughout grades
  • Monthly spirit days will become a tradition at GBN


  • Once/twice a month, we will plan and advertise a new spirit day.
    • Unique ideas (not like the homecoming dress up days or green and gold)
  • Have students vote by tally on paper with pre-decided ideas to get popular vote
    • Hang in SAC and blocks to target both upper and underclassmen.
  • Compare the number of students dressed up each month
    • measure the increase in dress-ups by pictures
    • Use late arrival days for dress up dates
    • Have “most spirited spartan” posters displayed in SAC
  • What if no one votes? Crisis Plan:
    • We vote and choose a winner & amp up our advertising until students get involved
  • Contact SA board to get involved and spread the word about upcoming dress up days
    • Twitter, facebook and other social media to get the word out
  • Make posters to advertise, use the announcements to inform students/teachers

Day to day plan:

11/24: Day before spirit day 1; Create more posters to hang in the SAC so students can vote again for spirit day 2 & hang and work on most spirited spartan prizes
  • Finalize Twitter page(GBN updates) to tweet most spirited spartans
  • Made another announcement to promote tweeting pictures to @gbnupdates
  • Spirit day 1
  • See spirit day posters
  • Facebook/twitter to spread the word
  • Wrote letter to Staff
  • Look into the game before break as possibility instead of the January game
  • No work time, t-shirts should be here, Spirit day 2
  • Consolidate photographs for video into one file

  • Begin ordering photos in video, work on blog
  • Finish video, add music
  • Work on Video reflection due
  • Boys Basketball Game vs. Deerfield- home, wear Pryma shirts
As a group, we worked efficiently to complete the tasks we were assigned. Our posters and social media spread the word about the upcoming spirit days, along with the announcements in the morning. We learned that keeping the students informed was the biggest challenge, but also the most rewarding. Through lots of hard work and planning, we created new spirit days that the students dressed up for and enjoyed.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

T-shirt Committee

T-shirt Group (Anastasiya, Madison, Ashley, Ryan, Megan)

Our goal was to promote spirit in the school by creating and selling a t-shirt to wear on Green and Gold fridays/ Events. Our group first had to do a little research on previous t-shirt sales to figure out what goals to anticipate from our plan.

  • Create a design in everyones interest
  • Sell 500+ shirts
  • Sell t-shirts at a face-up value
  • Have majority of kids wearing it on green and gold fridays/basketball games.
  • The message on the shirt can bring the community together

  • Design from Custom Ink: Agree on one design
  • Get a price for the shirt ( $10)
  • Figure out the cheapest business to buy the shirts from
  • Order from The Cheapest Business (Pauly, Mrs Ingersoll’s friend)
  • Ask the school to cover initial costs and promise a profit back
  • Buy t-shirts and during the wait promote shirts
  • Promote shirts by making posters, announcements, etc.
  • Ticket booth space request form two weeks before
  • Get the cash box from SAO
  • All students from class sell for two weeks, every lunch period
  • December 8-12, December 15-19
    • take the cash box to Mrs. Ingersoll after the end of lunch 3
    • store the t-shirts with Mrs. Ingersoll
Crisis Management:
  • Make sure money, after each day, is kept safe
  • Count the money each day to make sure we are not losing anything
  • With extra t-shirts, save for the next semester to carry it on, unless a group of students want to continue selling them every 2 months for students who have not gotten the chance to buy the t-shirt

Day-to-Day Plan:
    • Decide on Final T-shirt.
    • Figure out money options.
    • Call Customink.
  • Get price on t-shirts/figure out colors,
  • go to Dr. Tarjen with quote/decision (20min).  
  • Have multiple quotes. Called Pauley.
  • Order shirts to get them on time ( Based on CustomInk we would get it on Dec.5-9) Get lunches times from ev. eryone in class.
  • Go to Mrs. Maddox in SAO, and reserve ticket booth 12/8-19
  • Reserve cash box. Next time
  • Finalize quote and tshirt
  • After school, meet with Tarjen and order tshirts!...
  • Create marketing things to promote shirts (posters). *
  • Think about creating spirit/pep group?
  • posting in Facebook groups X (majority don’t use facebook)
  • Tweeting shirt idea out
  • Reserve a cash box  (Mrs. Maddox)
  • Continue doing posters…
  • Think about creating spirit/pep group?
  • Promote! Promote! ...
  • Incorporate Basketball Game ...
  • Receive T-shirts. *
  • Store them.
  • Get the ticket booth ready with the cash box to start selling on Monday.
  • Make sure the people who are selling on monday are prepared.
  • Talk about how the first day of selling went. 2nd day of selling. ...
  • Count money and make a table for how much t-shirts are selling each day.
  • Everyone takes 5+ shirts to sell them to their friends
  • continue selling t-shirts and counting our progress. (Take pics while selling)
  • continue selling t-shirts and counting our progress. (Take pics while selling) (promote 12/19 basketball game)
  • make flyers
  • If t-shirts run out buy more. Continue selling.
  • Decide if people want to keep selling t-shirts through the whole year and make sure they know how/where/what. (promote 1/9 basketball game)
  • last day selling.
  • Make a final table/graph to see progress of selling the t-shirts for 2 weeks.
  • Reserve table with SAO office to sell t-shirts at the basketball game.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Choi leadership philosophy

Choi's Leadership Philosophy

Looking back to the book we read in class, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens", I remembered the fifth habit, 'seek first to understand, then to be understood'. One should find that seeking first to understand is a habit that must be created.  Especially when it comes to leadership, a characteristic that follows this habit would be being selfless. In this lesson I learned that wanting to be respected and valued is something that the human heart is always seeking. We are always seeking to be understood by people. However, if everyone is wanting to be understood, there leaves no room for anyone to understand. This, would be an example of why many people believe that communication is a key characteristic a leader should hold. Therefore, as a leader, you are responsible to create the clarity in communication. So how is one supposed to build up to all of these characteristics of being a leader? What categorizes one as a leader?

When I started to think about what a leader is, I thought about my leadership philosophy, I asked myself, "What is my goal as a leader?" and "As a leader, who am I?" After reading the quote by Andrea Marshall, I was able to come to conclusion with my questions. My goal as a leader is to bring out the best in others and as a leader, I am the one who is pushing others toward that goal. If I were to relate this with one of my leadership roles at church, I would agree that as a leader I am there to support my youth group by helping them with any problems rather than judging down or breaking them down for their actions. This quote fully demonstrates how to prepare oneself into creating leadership characteristics.

Serving at my church I have learned so much from being a leader. When I was offered a leadership opportunity, my mentality was that I needed to be better in order to lead. However, I soon learned that a leader didn't mean that you were 'better' than anyone, but instead it was a role you play in order for everyone in the group to learn. Leadership requires a lot of patience, communication, and what I find most difficult, selflessness. A leader should find the end goal of whatever is wanting to be achieved. In trying to reach this goal, however, a leader requires selfless characteristics. What I mean by this is that a leader, in order to show leadership, puts others before them self. This creates an environment that is comforting for other and it is a great way to create trust within the team.

In order to form leadership, I have learned that there are characteristics that must be built are essential to becoming a leader. It takes a lot of work for one to be a leader. I believe that the characteristics of a leader are not what make up a leader, but instead it is the mentality and motivation on how you want to lead that differentiates between a strong leader and not poor leader. In order for me to gain respect from others, I am always reminded that, "A strong leader finds strength in others and builds them up".

What I think A Leader Should Be

What I think A Leader Should Be
I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they're interested in. -Bill Gates

1) Communication
I think that communication is very important in all aspects of life. If you can not communicate with other people you are going to fail at many things. You won’t be able to hold a job, you can’t have a stable relationship, and in sports you can’t lead a team. If you are able to communicate with others you could be one of the most successful people in the world. I think that the worlds most important leaders have the greatest ability to communicate to each other. Whether it is through word, print, or action. They can reach out to people who they don’t even know, and appeal to them. All because of good communication. The president is able to communicate to the American people so well that he can win the popular vote. So if a leader has that great of communication, then think what he can do in a smaller market.

2) Lead By Example
I try to embody lead by example everyday weather it is outside or inside of the classroom. When you are able to do this, You do not even need to be vocal to be a leader. You could go do what you do best and others will follow you. If you are able to lead a group of people with just your actions, then think what you will be able to do with good verbal communication.

3) Hard Work
My main goal is to to be a hard working leader. I think that one thing that has gotten me to where I am today is hard work. As team captain of my club and high school men's water polo team, I have had to take on some serious leadership roles. At times I had to be a player and other times a coach. As a player I would have to seek to understand, then be understood. So in other words, I needed to become a better listener. And I realized that I wouldn't just have to listen to my coaches but I would have to listen to my teammates. I would have to learn from them and adjust my leadership depending on whether they respond to negative or positive motivation. But, I think that with all of the hard work I have put into the sport, I was ready for it. I have committed countless hours in and out of the pool trying to improve my game. Whether it was 4 hour practices in St. Louis with the Midwest 18 Under team or having notebooks full of plays, drills, and advice from college coaches when attending their camps, they both prepared me to be a leader today. All of the hard work I've put in at school will also help as much as the work I have done outside the classroom. I came to realize I won't go anywhere without hard work in the classroom. And because I have put in all of this hard work I will be ready for most challenges in life.

I think that all three of these tie together perfectly. I am going to try my best to do these three thing to the best of my ability. If i accomplish that goal, then I can be a great leader inside and outside of the classroom. I would eventually like to be able to use these skills on a larger stage, and help more people other than myself.