Not everyone is born a great leader, but anyone can become a great leader if they have the right tools and mindset. Taking Management and Leadership helped me to develop a leadership style that I can take with me wherever I go in life. The following, are the main points that make up my leadership philosophy and the goals that I wish to achieve as a leader.
1. Communication
Good communication skills are key to becoming an influential leader. Without communicating properly, your words might get misunderstood and a conflict could arise. In the book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Sean Covey says "When we listen with the intent to understand others, rather than with the intent to reply, we begin true communication and relationship building." I want to be able to understand a person before I give them a response. Antoine de Saint-Exupery says in his book, the Little Prince, "Miscommunication is the origin of misunderstanding", and misunderstanding can lead to all sorts of problems, like not hearing about an important meeting. One of the most important tips for improving communication, learned in this class, is to "be conscious of your body language." In any important event, you want to come across as confident enough, and the right body language can help you get there. Leaning forward a bit when you talk can make you seem in control and confident. Communication is important to not only becoming a good leader, but also a good listener.
2. Plan First, Then Do
Making a plan to accomplish a goal or complete a task, can provide order and a sense of purpose. The plan sets the stage for what will come next and provides the direction the program will take. If a plan is not put in place before setting out to achieve a goal, the situation could become chaotic. Creating a set schedule is also key to becoming an organized leader, who can handle time and crises efficiently and effectively. The planning techniques I took away from this class were that plans should be specific and meaningful, achievable, but a stretch, and clearly communicated.
3. Collaboration
Collaboration is all about combining different points of views or, perspectives, to better achieve a goal or solve a problem. Great leaders know that they can't do everything themselves, and it is okay to ask for help when it's needed. To me, being a great leader means being able to unify a group of people to better accomplish a goal. If you aren't willing to collaborate with others, then there won't be anyone to unify and not as many minds as could have been used to achieve the goal.
In conclusion, I believe that having good communication skills, planning before doing, and collaborating with others can make a great leader. A leader with all these qualities, however, is not a leader if they don't have the drive to succeed. Without having passion for what you do and the willingness to work hard, your work will mean nothing to you. Therefore, is meaningless to you, you won't have the work ethic it takes to become a great leader.
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