Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Toby's Leadership Philosophy

Be CONFIDENT: By displaying confidence you will show passion in your work which provides a sense of trust in the workplace. In class we learned that being confident allows others to see that you care about your work and you want the organization to succeed. A leader with confidence has more than a positive attitude, as he or she is perceived to be trustworthy and reliable. I believe that all good leaders have confidence within themselves and their employees which contributes greatly to successful outcomes. 

Be Proactive: While reading the book Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens, the author discusses how leaders should not be passive and reactive, just waiting for things to happen. A successful leader must be proactive and make things happen. For a leader to be proactive, he or she must think ahead and anticipate issues that could arise in the future. Problems are inevitable for leaders, but the best way to handle them is to plan ahead and take action to preventing them from ever occurring again. Leaders must be proactive and deal with adversity in the most efficient, well thought out way possible. 

Think Win-Win: Having a win win attitude is a character based code that gives you and me an outcome that leaves us both pleased. This attitude seeks mutual benefits and it is important that a leader can obtain this mindset. Less negative competition in a company can increase the productivity and quality of work. Thinking win-win will will boost the morale of employees and allows everyone to feel satisfied.  

Be Positive: A leader should demonstrate a positive attitude at all times. Having a positive attitude is key in being a good leader. Being able to deal with stress and difficult issues and keep a positive attitude can result in a much greater success. This attitude is tough to maintain at all times considering problems will occur, but it defines the leader's character by how he or she handles the situation. Will they break under pressure or stay positive and find a way? This question is crucial for a leader to remember to stay positive and turn difficult situations into positive outcomes.

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