"It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership." - Nelson Mandela
Leadership is a funny thing; everybody is different at it. No two leaders are exactly the same. However, every leader has virtually the same goal. Whether they be democratic or aristocratic, believe in positive or negative reinforcement, it is all the same; help get people from point A to point B. Today, I will talk about my leadership philosophy.
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Planning & Organizing: Planning is an incredibly important aspect of being a leader. If a leader does not plan, then it will be close to impossible to reach a goal. Planning provides a blueprint to success; if you do this, this, and this, you will achieve the end result you hope for. Organizing is also key to being a successful leader. Order and organization of ideas, events, and plans all affect how fast you get to the end result and can even to determine whether or not you ever get to the end result. In order to keep myself organized, I find it key to use a schedule. Schedules do make sure that it is impossible to accidentally "forget" to do something. A schedule helps keep everyone on task and also provides them with a timeframe that they need to have something done by.
Delegation: Delegation of work is also a very important part of being a leader. By delegating work, a leader ensures that everyone is involved in the project, task, event, etc and also gives everyone motivation to get the ideal end result; everyone
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likes to see their work pay off. Everyone will have a job to do and nobody will be sitting around, being unproductive. Also, by delegating work, a team or unit is created, rather than a bunch of individual people doing only what concerns them.
Motivation: Motivation is key to a leader's success. If a leader cannot get his or her subordinates excited about something or make the passionate about their job, then nobody will work their hardest and results will be sub-par. Thus, I believe positive motivation is needed. Small perks and bonuses can drive everyone to strive for perfection. Even something something so small as a free lunch can push people to perform at their best because who doesn't like rewards? Rewards for good work will inspire winners to keep winning, and will motivate others to do the best they can in the hopes that they may receive a small benefit.
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Decision Making Styles: How decisions are made in a work environment can determine overall employee satisfaction with upper management. If employees feel like they have a say in what happens in their place of work, they will be inclined to work harder and be more passionate about what they do. Thus, I believe that a generally participative leadership style is necessary to keep everyone involved and happy with how things are being run. However, not all decisions can be made this way. Some
decisions will need to be made just by the manager, for time may be of the essence or it may be a crisis situation.
"A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus." - Martin Luther King Jr.
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