Friday, January 16, 2015

Byron's Leadership Philosophy

When one thinks of powerful leadership, football movies with aggressive, tough love coaches that deliver inspiring speeches come to mind: someone powerful and with huge presence. While it is true that such a person can be a strong leader, I personally utilize a different leadership style, and tend to lead using a different, but still effective leadership style that complements my qualities as a leader.

  • Democratic - I definitely rely on the people around me to help me make informed decisions. Even if I know something is true/the best course of action, it’s still worthwhile to engage in discussion with those you are leading to ensure group cohesion and to get other people’s opinions.

  • Aware - Understanding the mood/needs of the group is essential for effective communication and to interact with the problem solving process.

  • Flexible - Being able to make exceptions to general rules or think outside the box is key to success - like Bono’s theories of differing hats, sometimes different perspectives or solutions are needed to accomplish a goal.

  • Role Model - To motivate other people, you also have to exemplify the qualities you want to see in others. Personally, I try to be unbiased and open to suggestions; I see the leadership process where a leader guides those following towards a victory, not someone who pushes the group to success.

  • Practical - It’s important to not overset goals and tell people to shoot for the stars. In the real world, real goals and honest leadership is what I try to exemplify.
To summarize my philosophy, I would identify myself as a leader that focuses on realistic goals that are in the interest of those being led.

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