Thousands of leadership philosophies exist out there, but what deems a person a leader is his/her ability to possess different ideologies which differ from the others. The mindset I have maintained throughout my life is one that can be described a
s very disputed. However, a large portion of the values I believe that are discovered in leaders are agreeable. Before leadership specification are discussed, it ought to be known that one obtains the prestige of a leader at the end of the walkway. Those that acquire the status of a leader have developed the skills, attributes, and overall personality along the journey through adolescence and adulthood with the assistance of experiences. It is evident that experience is what plays a major role in shaping the distinguished qualities of a being. Included in my philosophy is that success is never achieved without failure. Encountering adversity throughout life tremendously influences the outcome of a person’s contributions. The Five Emphatic Stepping Stones:
Being Proactive: A leader familiarizes himself/herself with the techniques necessary to excel in whatever task is being executed at that moment. He/she qualifies as being proactive if time management, productivity, and realization is performed regularly. On the contrary, reactivity is observed as an indictment to the human mind and should not be viewed as a benefit to social interactions in life or for personal reasons.
Consciousness: A leader becomes aware of the variations of authority when in a work environment. In such a situation, it is then where management skills are essential. He/she needs to utilize the appropriate gesture based on the given scenario. The styles: autocratic(dictatorial), participative(democratic), and free-rein(laissez-faire) all have something in common. They necessitate a leader at head which provides direction, demonstration, and assurance of a favorable outcome. He/she is not ignorant, but very knowledgeable on how to apply the existing forms of governance.
- Identification: A leader is fully capable of eliminating the peculiarities in a certain position. He/she has the experience and mentality necessary to acknowledge flaws of the system in the status quo. While perfecting proactiveness, reactiveness is also utilized but only under a “must” circumstance.
Mutual Respect/Trust: A leader is one that has tailored the present belief to granting respect in order to receive it. This idea was very much influenced by a certain candidate attempting to obtain the Assistant Dean position. Courtesy is the single most important aspect when it narrows down to communication because institutes the premise of relationships. From a broad perspective, this may be seen as a component of minimal significance. However, it is an integral part of maintaining the management and leadership quality.
- Beginning with the End in Mind: A leader will continuously have the disposition to prioritize the more valuable things in life such as family. In addition to that, they also tend to forecast the future which ultimately results in establishing goals to be accomplished. With the inspiration drawn from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, I was able to conclude that pre-planning, thinking long-term, and actualizing your hopes/aspirations are absolutely imperative and the underlying essentialities.
Also included in my leadership philosophy is the responsibility aspect of the brilliance:
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