Saturday, January 10, 2009

Angry People Against the Law

Have you ever thought that certain laws you have to abide were stupid? Ever considered that the drinking age should be lower than 21? That the legal age of giving consent should be lower than 17 in Illinois? There are people every day who gripe about having to follow laws that they're opposed to, but think about it: wouldn't you rather be banned from drinking until you turn 21 rather than not being allowed to imitate an animal?
I was looking up interesting laws throughout the United States and I came across this website, which was laying out a few ridiculous laws that are spread through our country. Would you ever have thought that:
1. In California, they've made it illegal for a woman to drive a car while wearing a housecoat.
2. In Alaska, it's against the law to look at a moose from an airplane.
3. In Corpus Christi, a city in Texas, it's against the law to raise alligators in your home.
4. Here in Illinois, there is an actual law stating that a car must be driven with a steering wheel.
5. Also in Texas, it is illegal to own a pair of pliers.
But after looking at these laws, another thought comes to mind. How many people do you think have been fined or arrested for doing this illegal acts? How many people in Texas own a pair of pliers and haven't been caught? The law maintains justice in our lives and country, but when it comes to serious laws as opposed to silly ones - like the five I listed just above - how effective are they?
This website made me think about the laws we have against the use of drugs - one drug for example: marijuana. So many people illegally use marijuana, and we all know it. But if marijuana can be used for medicinal purposes, then why not legalize it? If we were to legalize marijuana, we could begin to market it and sell it and dramatically decrease the number of people put into jails for breaking this law. We learned that banning something doesn't stop it from being used - see the prohibition from the 1920's, when alcohol was illegal. We've grown since then and legalized alcohol (at a certain age). Why not do the same for marijuana?

People are angry at laws, it's just a fact. But we can only hope that with some time and some change, we'll have an extremely effective law system that provides justice for all.

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