Monday, December 16, 2013

The Fight for the Veterans

Leadership Impact: The Wounded Warrior Project

Challenge Statement:
-To help raise awareness and funds for the Wounded Warrior project.

The Plan:
  1. Sell dog tags that:
    1. Raise awareness for the cause, by saying “Wounded Warrior Project” on them.
    2. Raise awareness by explaining what the Wounded Warrior Project does, to people that we are trying to sell to.
    3. Raise money to donate to the Wounded Warrior Project.

(Dog Tags sold at $3. Cost of purchase/shipping was divided evenly between our 4 group members.)
-People will understand the importance of the WWP to the veterans.
-We will help Wounded Warrior Project by raising awareness and collecting donations.
-The money helps the foundation afford rallies and events for the Veterans, as well as counseling and physical therapy for Veterans.
-The WWP will keep helping the veterans adjusting to life back home, which can be a very tough process, mentally.

Definition of Success Criteria:
-We want to not only be able to raise awareness of the very deserving cause, but also raise and donate money. If people know what the wounded warrior project is, and how important it is to veterans, we will consider that a success.
We have a goal of $150 dollars earned from the dog tags. (Total revenue, not just profit.)

To Do:
-Order the dog tags that say “Wounded Warrior Project” from
-Sell dog tags the week before Veterans day, and continue afterwards until we sell all of them.
-Sell the dog tags to students and faculty, as well as friends and family.
-Upon selling, explain to the buyer what the money is going to, and the importance of the cause.
-Donate all funds to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Job Responsibilities:
John R.- Sell Dog Tags, head the video making process.
Wyatt H.- Sell Dog Tags, use personal PayPal account to order the dog tags.
Nate T.- Sell Dog Tags, Make the dog tags on the website, help Wyatt order dog-tags from

Zach H.- Sell dog tags during SRT/lab time.


Some Good Resources:

Consider emailing the Librarians, they do a Veterans Day display that you could easily contribute to.

Their e-mails:

Make a slideshow for the TV in the library, and make posters for the display.

We did not find it necessary to do this, but making flyers to advertise that you will be selling dog tags is not a bad idea. We were still able to sell them all without the flyers.

The website that we used was They are a reliable source with a decent product, for cheap when you buy in bulk.

Use your class as a focus group. See what they would be interested in, and work off that.

We sold the Dog Tags at 3 dollars a piece. By doing so, we were able to make a $180 dollar donation.

~Special Thanks to the students and staff at GBN for buying the dog tags, and to Mrs. Ingersoll for helping throughout the process, and for helping out with actually donating the funds.

Elderly IMPACT Project

Hi Spartans!  A lot of people see our elderly as boring, out of touch.  So our group, Teagan, Joanne, Gail, Ali, Shane, and Kriztina, along with some Key Club members decided to visit Covenant Village Brandel Care Center to spend time with the residents.  By playing Bingo, making cards, eating, and talking with them, we gained new friendships through this unique experience.  The residents enjoyed our company which is all too rare for the elders in our community.  Watch the video below to learn more about how you can make an impact on the elderly in our community.

Elderly Project Plan:
Challenge Statement
We will assist the residents at the Covenant Village Brandel Care Center by allowing students to spend time with them and make them to feel connected on November 23.

The Plan
We wanted to engage the elderly in our community so we planned to have quarterly visits to Covenant Village Brandel Care Center.  Key Club will continue visiting Brandel in small groups.  The visits will be spent simply talking, interacting, playing games with the elderly.  The visits would be open for Key Club members to attend.  We were informed that we could not have more than 15 people at the nursing home (for future groups check with the nursing home).  We set up and attended the first visit to Brandel with 5 members of our group and 10 Key Club members.  In addition to initiating this project, we coordinated between Key Club and Covenant Village for this first visit so that we can smoothly pass the project on to Key Club permanently.  

Benefits of the Project
This project benefits the young and the old of our community.  By visiting the nursing homes, the residents feel cherished and that they still have an impact on the community.  It benefits the young and upcoming generation also because we are able to learn from their wisdom and serve our community.  

Definition of Success Criteria
  • Have Key Club continue the project
  • Have 15 GBN high schoolers attend
  • 2 hours of planned activities

Our Date
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Future Possible Quarterly Dates
Summer (Quarter 1)
Fall (Quarter 2)
Winter (Quarter 3)
Spring (Quarter 4)
Aug 24th
Nov 9th or 10th
Feb 1st
Apr 5th
Aug 31th
Nov 16th or 17th
Feb 8th
Apr 19th
Sep 7th
Nov 23th
Feb 15th
Apr 26th

Tips for Future Groups
  • Contact the nursing homes ahead of time and select a date so that you and Key Club have a planned date.
  • Talk to activities coordinator in person.  If emailing contacts, it is harder to get a hold of them and ensure that they understand your plans.
  • Ensure that all Key Club members that signed up to visit will attend.
  • Plan activities with activities coordinator ahead of time.
  • Debrief Key Club members of the plan before visit
  • Have a great time!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Going once, Going twice, Threetimes, Gone! SHHHHt…. It is A Silent Auction to help Glenwood Elementary!

As other Management and Leadership groups have done before, we wanted to continue supporting Glenwood Elementary, a low income school in Waukegan IL. We decided to organize a Silent Auction to raise money for buying Apple products as suggested by Mrs Amy Newman, a teacher at Glenwood Elementary. The following video shows all our work and we hope that our project will encourage other Management and Leadership groups to continue helping Glenwood Elementary. Enjoy!
Our Video:

Our Plan:

Glenwood Proposal

Challenge State:
  • Help students and families attending Glenwood by donating electronics
  • Raise $650 to buy apple products
  • Do a silent auction: we will bring prizes (list in The Plan) and put them on a table (we will fix a starting price for each item). People can come, choose the price that they want (for example, a book at $10) and put their name on the list. But someone else can come and say that he will buy the book for $12; then someone else, or someone who’s made a previous bid can come again, etc.
  • Set an example for how other GBN students can help this community in the future

The Plan:
  • Put together a silent auction to help the students and families attending Glenwood
  • Provide different “prizes” for GBN students: -
  1. 2 Soph parking sticker  (2nd semester)  $150.
  2. Movie passes (6 sets of 2) [$60 total]  - beginning $15.
  3. $25 Meatheads gift card. $10.
  4. $25 VISA card. $20.
  5. 4 VIP seats for V-Show, Row N (Thursday night only) - beginning price $20.
  6. 4 VIP seats for Musical (Thursday night only) $20.
  7. 2 Blackhawks tickets [$150 ]
  8. A gym makeup pass. $5.
  9. Tickets for school activities (V-Show,)
  10. Lunch  with Mark Zemela
  11. Free workout with Geo - beginning price $5.
  12. Free personal training with Fastert. $25.
  13. A lunch with Purdy
  14. T-shirt from Booster Club/4 - beginning price $5.
  15. Box full of candy (Snickers, Twix, Munch Bars, Starburst, and M&Ms) $40.
  16. Plain money donations
  17. A lunch with Mr.Hoynes - beginning price $10.
  18. A History tutoring session with Mr.Berg, an hour after school - beginning price $10.
  19. A lunch with Mr. Kallay - beginning price $10.
  20. A work out with Mr.Kim - beginning price $5.
  21. Spartan Record from Marching band music - beginning price: $15.
  22. lunch with Pryma. $10.
  23. Spartan goods bag - beginning price $ 20.
  24. Spartan cup,T-shirt & post-it notes,GBN Lanyard, Sleeves. $15.
  25. Lunch with Purdy - beginning price $10.
  26. Folder, Notebook, Mug - beginning price $15
  27. 2 tickets for Winterplay - beginning price 10$

Benefits of the Project:
  • Our project will benefit students at Glenwood Elementary by heightening their way of learning.
  • We also intend to set a precedent for future Management classes, and hopefully encourage them to continue our project.
  • The benefits for us is that worked as a team to accomplish a goal of $650.00 and exceed it.

Definition of Success Criteria:
  • We are aiming to have around 20 total “prizes.”
  • Our target for total amount of money collected from the bidding (and therefore going toward food) = about $650.00
  • Buying Apple products
  • Then bring to Glenwood Elementary school in Waukegan IL

Next Steps: Silent Auction
  • Obtain items and services to be auctioned               → did that
  • Decide on a date, time and place for the auction     → did that
  • Create auction sheets                                                  → did that
  • Make list of auction items with starting prices           → did that
  • Advertise the auction                                                    → did that

Implementation Strategies/Job Responsibilities:
George M. and Allie - talk to Tarjan and find how we want to use the money and find prizes for silent auction
Melanie, Ann, George H and Sebastian - find prizes for silent auction; handle advertising

Final date for silent auction:
  • Nov 14 ,2013
Location: Green & Gold Conference Room
Hours: 7:40AM to 3:10 PM

How did we organize our silent auction:
  • We got approved by Tarjan to have the silent auction in the Green and Gold conference room.
  • Group members had jobs to go ask family, friends and teachers for donations for the silent auction for Glenwood Elementary school.
  • We brought all the items together and decided the beginning prices.
  • We made bidding sheets and images with the name of the items.
  • We did a schedule for the Silent Auction day because not all group members needed to be in the Green and Gold Conference room during the whole day.
  • Group members arrived at 7:30 to help setting the tables, the items, the bidding sheets and the images.
  • We put posters on the outside of the Green and Gold Conference, advertise in the SAC and in place with people concentration. In addition, during lunch, we went in the cafeteria to collect money for donations.
  • 5 minutes before we close the Silent Auction, people that have bit in the morning come back and begin to bit more and more especially for the Sophomore parking pass and the Blackhawks tickets. Our job was to encourage them to bit more.
  • At 3:15, we clean up the room, collect the sheet of paper, the prices and pull off the posters.

How people will get their items and us, our money:

  • One team member take all the bidding sheets and shared a Google doc with all the names, ID number and amount of money that they own us.
  • We divided this document in 6 and everybody send their email attached with a certificate that they can show to the teacher or student for items like “Lunch with Pryma” 
  • The items was stored in the Career and Life Skills Office at Mrs Ingersoll desk.

Ending prices for the items:

Sophomore Parking Pass A
$ 530.00
Sophomore Parking Pass B
2 Blackhawks tickets
Lunch with Dr Pryma
4 VIP tickets for the Spring musical
Box full of candies
Lunch with Mark Zemela
Personal training session with Mr Fastert
GBN bookstore school goods
$25 Meatheads gift cards
4 VIP tickets for V-show (Thursday night)
$25 Visa gift card
Gym make up pass
Bag full of Spartans goods
Lunch with Mr Kallay
2 tickets for Winter play
2*2 movies pass
Lunch with Mr Hoynes
3 Football Playoff T-shirt
Personal training session with Geo
Cash Donations
Total Silent Auction:

Thank you to:
Dr Pryma, Dr Tarjan, PE department, Booster club, the Dean’s Office, The Career and life skills office,  Mr. Geo, Mr. Hoynes, Mr. Fastert, Mr. Kim, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Kallay, Mark Zemela, the Bookstore, Georges Mercouris relationship (movie passes, candies, visa gift card), Vera Mayer (meat heads gift cards), Georges Hook relations (Blackhawks tickets), GBN booster, GBN students.
Thank you to Mrs Ingersoll for all the help and the good advice.

Made by Allison Kaplan, Sebastian Garzon, Anujin Batbold, George Hook, George Mercouris and Melanie Gerrer.