Nokia, the world's leading cell phone supplier and a leading handset provider, has recently filed a law suit against Apple for patent infringement. Nokia has been taking hits on its sales since the release of the iPhone the most popular smart-phone on the market. The Finland based handset giant has said that so far negotiations with apple have not been very successful. Nokia states that the charges of patent infringement stem from the fact that Nokia spent around 40-60 billion on research and development for its phones and that Apple has forgone this research. "By refusing to agree to appropriate terms for Nokia's intellectual property, Apple is attempting to get a free ride on the back of Nokia's innovation," said Ilkka Rahnasto, Nokia's vice president for legal and intellectual property at Nokia.
So what Nokia is saying is that Apple has stolen their ideas and patents and used them in their IPhone since release. Nokia though isn't asking for injunction which would halt the shipment and sale of the iPhone. Instead Nokia asks for an appropriate compensation for the past and future uses of their technology.
In the past couple years Apple has increased their share of smart phones sold from 3% to 13% while Nokia has dropped from 47% to 45%.
To me It seems odd that Nokia has taken this long to sue apple for patent infringement when the iPhone has been out for some time now. It feels like now that they realize that Apple is a threat they are trying to compete with them any way they can. But, it doesn't matter at all why it has taken Nokia so long to file a law suit the fact is if Apple has used technology patented by Nokia then Apple could be in truoble. What do you think?
Even though it may seem that Apple stole their ideas, I agree that is is too late for Nokia to sue Apple for patent infringement. The reason they seem to be suing is beacause the Iphone is doing so well and they want to gain money and recognition for the thorough research they conducted. All in all, I agree that Nokia no longer has the right to sue Apple.
I think that Nokia is just trying to get money because they are doing worse than Apple. Nokia waited until the Iphone was successful to start sueing them, which shows how they are doing it only for money and to get recognized to making one of the best selling products. I believe that if Apple truly did steal Nokia's idea that Nokia would have sued them right away.
I think that Nokia should be compensated for the stolen research by Apple. It's not fair that Nokia spent all this money on research and Apple just steals it. And a result of this research Apple is making a ton of money. Nokia should get a portion of the money that Apple has recieved from the iphone.
i think that nokia is just jealoous. Did apple steal that technology? No they didn't, they took initiative. Nokia is just in a bad mood because they did not come out with a phone like the iphone. So because apple's made so much money they want to get a piece of it.
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