Thursday, May 24, 2012

GBN students may help ease unemployment

In a time when our country's unemployment rate is on the rise and Americans are still struggling to find jobs, we knew that the best way to help out the country was to do what even the government can't do properly: create jobs. With our website, we're not only improving the welfare of students at GBN and giving them opportunities that open doors and deter them from getting involved in illicit activities, but we're also giving back to our community and more importantly our country. 

We created a website where teens can go to see the companies that are hiring in the area so they can get a job. The site is constantly being updated so that students don't get denied a position when they call or send applications simply because the position is filled. It improves the efficiency of the system and makes students aware of job openings that they may otherwise not known about.

We admit that our site is in its infancy. Our hope is that others in the future realize the potential of this program and expand on it to help solve an immense and pressing problem at a local level. We started something that should be integrated into the school website and leave a legacy that lasts for future generations to come.

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