Friday, January 16, 2015

Robert's Leadership Philosophy

Communication: Communication skills are essential to being a great leader. You need to be able to talk to your employees and make sure everyone is doing their task. A good leader has to give clear directions to their employees. I learned this in an activity where you had to give someone instructions on how to draw a picture that only you can see. It was important to give detailed instructions. I also learned that it is difficult to keep everyone on the same page when you are leading. For an example, during the birdhouse activity, I was chosen to lead a group to make a birdhouse out of popsicle sticks. I had to command them to make it exactly the way I wanted it since my leadership style was autocratic. It was hard to get my group to make the house exactly how I pictured it in my head. I know in the future it will be hard to get a group to be all in agreement about something.

Presentation: Presentation skills are also key to being a great leader. It’s amazing how big of a difference it is when you have a great presenter show an idea compared to a poor presenter show that same idea. A great public speaker knows how to sell an idea. When you give a presentation or a speech, you have to make a difference. That’s why in the future, I want to be a great presenter and public speaker. I think the TED talks we watched in class helped me with that. I learned that it’s not how you do something but why. Also, I think Michael Keaton was a great presenter and speaker in the movie we watched Gung-Ho. He knew how to get a group of people to follow and support him. I think if I become a great presenter, I can really convince people and make a difference.

Motivation: It’s not just important to motivate yourself but to motivate others. When you motivate your employees, it makes them work harder and better. Strong leaders put their employees first. They have to think about other things besides work and develop a good relationship with their workers. Leaders should mentor their employees and encourage them. They should also listen to their employees to make them feel like they really matter. All of this would inspire the workers and it would even make the leader feel good about himself. This school spirit project has really motivated me. It’s a great feeling knowing that our class has really increased the school spirit this year. The fact that I made a difference just motivates me to do more and try harder. In the future, I want to have that same effect on others and make them feel inspired.

Dedication: A strong leader needs to be dedicated to what they do. You can’t be successful if you don’t put in the work. A hard-worker can do great things. You have to be committed to what you do and have to put the time into it. Our class was very dedicated in this school spirit project. Each group made a plan and had goals. I think that we reached all of our goals. Going into the future, I know that I am going to have to be very passionate about what I do.

Positivity: Another key aspect to being a great leader is the ability to maintain positivity. When a leader is positive and optimistic, it makes all of the employees feel better. It takes off a lot of pressure off the workers and creates a comfortable atmosphere. Being positive can be contagious. If a leader is positive and enthusiastic, then the employees will follow and this will create a fun environment to work in. In my opinion, an example of a positive leader is Dr. Pryma. He’s always happy and he knows how to put others in a good mood. When I’m walking to my class in the morning, I always see him in the halls and he says good morning. This always puts me in a better mood even though it’s early in the morning. My goal is to be as positive as him.

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