Friday, May 15, 2015

Increase School Spirit II

School Spirit

As our Leadership Impact Project, we decided to increase school spirit at Glenbrook North High School. By continuing the previous semester’s project, and adding in our own ideas, we wanted to make a lasting impact on the GBN community for years to come.

Before implementing an action plan, we conducted research to identify the consensus of the GBN students regarding school spirit. We used a survey gathered by the last group, as well as our own surveys to gather information. We found that students generally felt that spirit was not reaching its full potential. Younger students seemed to be reluctant to participate in dress up days because very few people participate. Our group felt that in order to get people involved, we needed to advertise school spirit.

Original Plan

Our original plan called for a wide array of projects and goals. The plan included a "change challenge" during Pride Week, as well as counting students dressing up on spirit days. Also, we wanted to create a Pride Week champion to stir up competition among the classes. We also wanted to use creative advertising techniques such as sidewalk chalk and window painting to promote school spirit. Lastly, we set a goal to get 500 students onto the Spartan Spirit Squad Google+ Community page.


What we were able to accomplish ended up being vastly different from our original plan. It turned out that other groups were in charge of Spirit Week, so we did not have much room to implement our ideas, especially with the time given. Additionally, our creative advertising did not go as planned because we could not get approval from Dr. Tarjan. Finally, we had to adapt the Google+ Community initiative due to a shift in its use and purpose. In response, we decided to design flyers promoting the Google+ Community, Game of the Week and Green and Gold Fridays. We also designed T-shirts for the Spartan World Tour.

Definition of Success Criteria

The success of our group cannot be counted, nor can our group’s success immediately be shown. We wanted to create a more spirited place for the future GBN. Because we started so late in the year, it was tough to get many people to change their view on spirit days. Our success will be seen in the years to come. We wanted to spark the GBN community so we can have school spirit increase each year.

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