Saturday, December 13, 2008

Final Fantasy sparks New Law in Illinois

Final Fantasy Sparks New Law in Illinois

Alex Edward's, son of a Illinois politician, tried to cancel his subscription of a online game called Final Fantasy XI. After getting bored of this online game Alex proceeded to try and cancel his subscription. Except in the process of canceling his subscription, he found how hard it was. No phone number for consumer service was easily found but luckily his parents final got the number from their credit card statements. After holding for a hour and a half on hold before some one answered the phone.

This picture shows the lag of customer service.

This has led to the proposal of he new Illinois state law that forces online gaming service providers to have a simple way for consumers to cancel their services online, without the need to mail a form or contact customer service over a phone line. Also the company most provide instructions on how to cancel the online subscription. If a online company fails to give an easy cancellation then they will be

Picture of game that Alex played

There have been many discussions about this new law, and many have said that they to had trouble canceling this game or another online game. They bloggers say that this is a big step for online gaming experience. Many other bloggers are now protesting that this new law should be nationally recognized and expanded to incorporate companies like XM, Rhapsody, and all other online subscriptions.

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

I think that Illinois should have a law that Final Fantasy should be removed and not allowed for younger kids. When kids are precipating in this, it is like gambling and it is illegal to do before the age of twenty-one. This could possibly lead kids into thinking that it is fun to gamble and it is a dangerous habit to form that young.