Sunday, December 14, 2008

Children Protection From Online Exploitation

On October 14, 2008 Governor Rod Blagojevich signed a bill to protect children from online exploitation. The bill prohibits an adult to sent a minor a public transportation ticket without a lawful reason. It also prohibits known sex offenders from communicating with a minor on the internet. Also, it require computer technicians to report any child pornography that they find while doing their jobs. The bill increased the conditions of supervision for sex offenders, and tightens the definition of what child pornography is. Under this new law, if an adult uses the internet to communicate with a minor for sexual purposes, they can be sent to jail for 1-3 years.
I think that this bill is a very important thing to have. In addition to the tremendous amount of information the internet provides for people, it is a scary and dangerous place, especially for children who aren't taught the dangers of the internet. I think that in addition to this bill, we should also make sure that all children are aware of the dangers involved in talking to strangers on the internet and to use extreme caution. 
I agree with a blog that I found while researching this topic. The blogger states that the most efficient way to protect your children from sexual predators on the internet is to do so in the same way you teach them to stay away from strangers. She says it's no different online. You should instill the values in your children to know right from wrong and make sure they understand the dangers in talking to people you do not know. 


Ali said...

I completely agree with you that this bill was an extremely good idea. And I also agree that kids should be more aware about the dangers of not only talking to strangers, but getting involved in a website they are unfamilliar with and those kinds of things.

Keegan said...

I agree that this law will really help children. I think that this law will also catch more child offenders because now people are required to report if they find anything on the internet. I agree that children should be a little bit more educated on the internet, but it is essential for the government too do their part in preventing this.