Thursday, October 28, 2010

Facebook gets drowned by law AND Users can too!

Do you use facebook? Do you feel unsafe on facebook?

Harassment online is called cyberbulling. Facebook publishes all your photos and wall conversations you have with other people. Facebook users need to be aware that can be stalked and be in danger.  For your safety, you need to be aware of what you publish and who you allow to view your information.

A case of how facebook got sued:
According to a report at ClickZ, the case stems from the idea that "encouraging children to “like” an ad, Facebook is, in effect, asking them to use peer pressure to get their friends to click and that’s exploitation of a minor for profit.” 
Don’t stress over being stalked by others or feeling unsafe, because you always have authority to sue the facebook headquarters who publish your information without you knowing it.
Parents tend to invade in their childs privacy by viewing your activity and posts and also making you deactivate your facebook account. Many incidents of how Facebook gets drowned by Law is mainly when murder/ rape happens when one individual meets another unknown on facebook user. Facebook allows others to request as friends even if there are no mutual friends. The people who usually add random people are known as the “Facebook stalkers” which is a scary thing of knowing.

German officials are taking legal actions against Facebook for accessing users’ personal information, as well as some information of those who are not using the site. Johannes Caspar, Head of Hamburg's Data Protection Authority, stated that he received many complaints from people who are not signed up to Facebook but their personal information added by their friends who are Facebook members.  The people that didn't know they were Facebook users are being used for “marketing purposes” without their permission.
This video shows how internet bullying and harassment statements can get you and Facebook sued from the individual who just “didn’t like the comment”. Facebook shouldn’t allow messages/publishing that are inappropriate on news feeds. The video also shows how the inappropriate pictures where in public view - so anyone can see these illegal acts like underage drinking, smoking and nudity.

Be careful what you post on Facebook and what people post about you cause lawsuits can be happening faster than you would ever think about it

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