Sunday, October 10, 2010

Are Harsh Immigration Laws Affecting Businesses?

Legislatures from the state of Arizona may think that passing harsh immigration laws is necessary, but in reality, it is making their businesses lose millions of dollars every year. They have proved both an example of both positive and negative consequences for the other twenty two copycat states that are considering passing immigration laws. A senator from the state of Arizona was trying to pass a law stating that if a child was born in the United States, and their parents were immigrants, the child would be denied citizenship. Not only if this affecting the immigrants, it is affecting businesses as well. The financial drawbacks are as clear as glass. An Arizona construction company lost a three million dollar contract bid with Santa Monica, California, and it is said that the state has lost at least forty conventions and over fifteen million dollars. Also, removing undocumented workers from the U.S. would total a loss of 1.8 trillion dollars a year in annual spending and $651.5 billion in annual economic output. All this for some stupid immigration laws that are harsh and unjust? C’mon America,you can do better than that.

American citizens need to realize that we wouldn’t be where we are right now without immigrants. After all, we are nicknamed "The Melting Pot", and I believe that we aren’t fully living up to our name. America has always been a place of different people and different cultures, which makes every thing so much more beautiful in this amazing nation, but when I start seeing news articles about how states are trying to pass such harsh and unjust laws, I start to question if America is really that beautiful, welcoming, strong nation everybody speaks of.

No one should be called Illegal upon this earth. If this country is really “free”, people should give the immigrants the same opportunity that our ancestor’s had when they came to our continent.The idea I am highly against is the fact that babies born to the undocumented are denied citizenship. The American Constitution states that anyone born within the borders of United States has American citizenship, and now we are trying to reverse that law? That is extremely “Un-American” in my opinion.

Some of the reasons that people are for the harsh immigration laws are that they are oblivious of the fact that it is making businesses lose millions of dollars a year. Immigration issues are emotional and complex. In a way, these laws are leading us to “political suicide”. Hispanic people make up a huge percentage of the United States. Even though America is having all this trouble now with passing their immigration laws, I advise for everyone to stay strong and believe, because as I said before, America is a place where all of us Americans with different nationalities are still learning to live together, but we remain “a melting pot” nonetheless.


1 comment:

sherri jerzyk said...

I am from Arizona and we have NO PROBLEM with immigrants-it is the "illegal" part we don't like. My family is immigrants-and we are legal,english speaking,TAX paying US citizens. Why is it fair that they should be able to get government benefits or for that fact make an income and not pay taxes. Those are also the "benefits" of being a US citizen. We have senior citizens that live off of dog food that can't get government aide and as a single mom of 3 I can't get child support enforced-I work,PAY TAXES and HEALTH Insurance for my kids and social services tells me that I can't get any help although they don't see how I even feed my kids. My spanish case worker told me that if I would quit my job or if I were an illegal immigrant,she could get me alot af aide. These are the UNITED States,UNITED defined as unity or being joined by a single entity. If you want to be a part of the UNITED STATES become a citizen and join us. To talk about the income it brings in is a mute point-illegal drugs,sex trade,etc bring alot of money into the system as well.Again-the and key word is illegal. I am white- and at any time I can be asked to prove who I am by law enforcement. It doesn't offend me at all to show ID.I am proud to show that I am a US citizen.So-want to joinus?? By all means,please do-we welcome you.But have the decency to become a citizen!