Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blockbuster Goes Bankrupt

On September 23rd, Blockbuster officially filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. After months of struggling from low amounts of business and the closing down of many stores, Blockbuster called a quits. Many blame it on the many competitors and the lack of forward thinking. While Netflix joined with the Nintendo Wii to make renting movies easier, Blockbuster still has stores where people must drive to and pay exuberant amounts of money to rent it. On top of that, they still have late fees that make renting from them even less desirable.

It's doesn't surprise me or many others that Blockbuster is finally going down. In the past few years they have lost more and more money and lacked finding a way to gain back their customers. Other companies like Netflix and Red Box have made getting movies more affordable which is ultimately what is putting Blockbuster out of business. The company lagged behind these companies and when they finally tried to really compete, they failed. After everyone started getting their movies by ordering online and getting them through the mail, Blockbuster gave it a try but did only half the job of the other places. Sure, they added an online ordering system so people could get their movies via mail but the late fees continued and when you wanted more movies right away, you had to drive to the store and trade them out. On a personal level, it got very annoying to go back and forth to the store especially if it was to go back and get the move I ordered in the first place.

Blockbuster must have known they were going downhill so why didn't they try a little harder to get their business going again. It seems there were feeble attempts to promote themselves and try to get people back in the stores but again, they failed. They tried selling candy and movie posters in the store. They even put drink islands in stores to get customers and boost their sales.

They didn't realize that it's the exact opposite of what people wanted. They want movie renting to be easy and having to drive out to the store is pointless if a person can easily get movies online or on TV. In this economy, people want a cheap affordable way to enjoy the movies they like. Driving back and forth to the movie store is not an option.

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