Saturday, November 22, 2008

Oklahoma Abortion Law

Oklahoma is currently getting sued by the Center for Reproductive Rights for a law that requires a woman to see an ultrasound before obtaining an abortion. The decision to get an abortion could be due to reasons such as: financial hardships, pregnancy resulting from rape, a teenager unable to support a child, health conditions, or a married woman that already has children. The Center for Reproductive Rights argues that this law “intrudes on privacy, endangers health and assaults dignity”. Furthermore, this law would not excuse rape victims that may be traumatized by the pregnancy and could be further disturbed by viewing the ultrasound. This fact is enough of a reason for Governor Brad Henry to veto the bill; although his veto was overridden.

An ultrasound can provide information about the size of the fetus, if there is more than one, the condition (heartbeat and if there are any abnormalities) and during the second trimester, the gender could be shown. Under this law, the doctor would describe the fetus from an ultrasound such as the one shown above.

Personally this law disgusts me. It is difficult enough to decide to even carry out an abortion. But after having made the choice, there is this added “obstacle” of being subjected to an ultrasound and a description of the possible life inside of you. That is certainly the point of the law, as State Senator Todd Lamb said, “I introduced the bill because I wanted to encourage life in society”; although Mr. Lamb did not stop to consider if this life would be welcome and if guilt is the key to a woman keeping a baby. For instance, a rape victim would probably not want to be encouraged to produce the life of someone that may have traits of her rapist.

Overall, I am pro-choice and I do believe a there are better ways to decrease the rate of abortions than applying laws that guilt the woman and intrude on privacy. The option of an abortion will continue to be present which many Pro-Life groups have become aware of. They are turning towards reducing abortions by “providing pregnant women with health care, child care and money for education” instead of banning them. Creating positive options in the event of unwanted pregnancies is more powerful than creating uncomfortable requirements.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I completely agree with the previous statement about abortion. Why should we make an extra “obstacle” when it was already hard enough for the person to begin with? I do not feel that anyone should have to be held against their own will in order to have an abortion. Why should other people no conceiving the babies be put in charge over them? This is America why can’t we be civil and let there be choices? For example this is my body why do other people need to tell me what I can and cannot do with it also, what gives other people the rights to invade my “psyche”?