Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Recipe for Success

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way" - John Maxwell

To be an effective and successful leader, you will need…

  • Positive motivation. Your team (employees, co-workers, etc.) will be happier with their jobs and will encourage them to do their best
  • Employee motivation. Your employees need to know that they are valuable and crucial to the group’s succeeding in whatever tasks are presented. Treat them as individuals and get to know them on a holistic level.
  • A participative decision-making style. Your subordinates need to know that you respect and value their opinions and creative ideas while also maintaining your position as the “judge”
  • To be proactive. Be able to accept responsibility for you own behavior. Make choices based on principles and values, not your moods or circumstances.
  • To have goals and commit to them. Hold yourself accountable and find people who will help support and motivate you.
  • To prioritize. Some things are more important than others and should be treated as such. It allows for better time management and reduces stress.
  • Think win-win. Value the success of others just as much as you value your own successes. In turn, you will be a happier, more successful person. 
  • To become a professional listener. If you want people to understand you, you need to be able to understand them first! If you can empathize and have emotional intelligence, people will look up to you and be more willing to meet you at a middle ground (synergize).
  • Give yourself time to renew yourself physically, socially/emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It allows you to be the most effective you. So take a nap, do some yoga, read a book, etc... whatever suits you best!

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