Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Leadership Philosophy Angelos

“Before you are a leader success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” - Jack Welch

I believe that being a successful leader is all about growing yourself and learning throughout the way while helping others. I believe I am a very successful leader with all of the qualities I possess. When I am assigned a task, I always listen to everyone voicing their opinions and adapt my view and look as if I was in that person's shoes to understand him or her better.  I would like to think of myself as a person who likes to help people and inspire them to work to their best ability and as for assistance from me at any time. I feel that I hold many great qualities of a good leader.

  • Challenging yourself is key, when you are a successful leader, leaders who succeed challenge themselves and their peers with a challenging task that is reasonable to accomplish.
  • Listening to your peers is key when leading a group of individuals, it shows them that  you are listening and it will give them motivation to be more successful in their career.  (Respect)
  • Communication is another quality that I believe successful leaders absolutely need to have a good grasp of. Communication is vital in any business environment to know what is going on within the venture without effective communication it is impossible to succeed.
  • Be Flexible - along with good communication being open and accepting ideas from your peers is needed to strive as a business and it will then in turn help you achieve and beat your competitors in the long run. (Innovation can occur through different peoples ideas)
  • (Win-Win) Everyday in business you should be thinking and keeping in the back of your head your main “Plan”, when you think you should be thinking about the best and positive outcomes that come out as the solution. (So everyone can win)
  • Motivation - If you are in business, you need to be motivated to succeed, with positive motivation and a good positive working environment everyone can strive to reach their goals.
  • Accountability - With a positive working environment, you need to be held accountable for your actions both good and bad. You and your peers should take ownership of their own actions so you can all succeed.
  • Passion - Leaders also have to be passionate about their business if they aren’t passionate then why would your the employees be passionate? So in turn it will show that you can be held accountable for your work, while leading by example.
  • Take breaks - When you're passionate about your work, you can get so involved with it, that you are no longer knowing what is going on around you other than in your business. 
    (Breaks Are Necessary For A Positive Working Environment)

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