Friday, January 10, 2014

Success is Key

The three keys to success by Sean Stencel

Key Number 1
Begin with the end in mind- In order to be a successful leader you must have a goal you must know not just where you are going to start but more importantly what you are going to get out of it.
How to accomplish this- Brainstorm with your team what will need to be accomplished and how to do it in a timely manner. What kind of strategy will be used to complete the work and why it is a good idea to get it done on time

Key Number 2
Set Goals- You can not know how to plan for the end if you don’t know where it is. Setting goals is the extremely important and allow you to stay motivated. Along with that they show how much you have done and most importantly where it has come from.
How to accomplish this- Write the goal down. Share it not with just you team but publicly commit to achieving your goal. You are much more likely to strive for a goal if you know that others are watching you.

Key Number 3
Delegation- The number one issue when working in a group with a designated leader lack of delegation. When you as a leader fail to clarify who is working on what and communicate that with everyone.
How to accomplish this- Make a list of the to do’s. Divide the list into equal work sections of work. A good leader will offer to pick up the extra slack to have the task done on time. Then work through your goals!

Key Number 4
Communication- YOU HAVE TO COMMUNICATE. Failure to communicate leads to failure of the project and a failed leadership job. KNOW THE NECESSARY FORM. Know when you need to see people in person and when you can simply email them.
How to accomplish it- When you don’t know what to do communicate. It is the key to a project YOU CAN NOT FAIL if you talk to each other. You will know when someone has not done their share to when someone has finished and needs more to do.

Being a successful leader is not easy, it is not for everyone unless you work at it. You can be a successful leader if you truly want it.

“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.” -Peter Drucker

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